I arrived in Copenhagen around 6pm. They have one of the nicest airports. There are free maps of the city in every language, free wifi, and interactive maps on the wall. I got a train ticket to the city center. I didn't quite realize how lacking the directions were to my hostel until I arrived. I initially started in the right direction but decided it could not possibly be the right direction and decided to make a giant circle. There were a ton of people out and it was lightly raining. I was pretty sure I was not going to make it to my hostel. I decided to go down the one street that was mentioned and hopefully find some familiar landmarks. I was lucky in the that the street after about a mile took me to the hostel. I got in around 8pm and was informed that I would have to check out the following day and into another room. Since I did two separate bookings. There was a long line of people so I thought I could better sort it out in the morning. I was still sick and needed some rest.
I got into my room and there was another american girl there. She offered me some street nuts and told me about her adventures around Copenhagen. This was her first big trip outside of the United States. She was leaving the following morning to catch a train to Germany. She and one of the other roommates had mostly explored the city together. She said that there were two other guys from Germany but they only spoke in German and were never in the room. I pretended to go to sleep in hopes that I would actually go to sleep. One of the German guys came in and started at me for a apologized in German for opening the door. I said it was fine in English. He wanted to know why I was not at happy hour. I was currently in my pajamas and I said I just wanted to get some sleep but I would be at happy hour tomorrow. He seemed okay with this answer and then left to go to happy
hour. I eventually went to sleep.

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